Whom do I contact about . . . ?

Please see the contact list for the Office of the Provost.

What are the guidelines for posting a new faculty position?

This process is initiated by the appropriate dean, institute director, or the head of an authorized academic unit. A position management form (PMF) is completed and sent to the Office of the Provost for approval. Once approved by the Office of the Provost, the Budget Office then creates a new position line.

Where can I find a list of open faculty positions?

Open faculty positions are listed at facultypositions.nd.edu.

Where do I go for information about post-docs at Notre Dame?

Please visit the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars website at postdocs.nd.edu.

Who stamps passports/visas?

Debbie Gabaree in the Office of General Counsel. She may be reached at Gabaree.1@nd.edu or 574-631-6411.

What benefits are available to faculty?

See the summaries of faculty benefits.

Where can I find the Faculty Handbook?

The Faculty Handbook is now being provided exclusively online at facultyhandbook.nd.edu. This approach is more environmentally conscious and cost efficient, and also permits the contents of the Handbook to be updated as needed instead of on an annual basis, which was the past practice when the Handbook was updated and published only at the beginning of each school year.

Where can I learn more about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

Answers to questions faculty commonly ask about FERPA as well as a link to the University’s FERPA tutorial can be found at provost.nd.edu/ferpa.