With a Side of Knowledge podcast talks with Podcast Brunch Club founder Adela Mizrachi

Author: Ted Fox

cover art for With a Side of Knowledge podcast, featuring a plated Notre Dame waffle in the background behind the show's name and two dialogue bubbles in the foreground

With a Side of Knowledge is a podcast produced by the Office of the Provost at the University of Notre Dame. It brings listeners informal interviews with fascinating scholars and professionals from both Notre Dame and elsewhere that take place over brunch.

The fourth episode of the show’s third season, “On Podcast Brunch Club and the Appeal of Audio,” was released Thursday, Sept. 12, and features Adela Mizrachi, the founder of Podcast Brunch Club, a podcast listening and discussion organization with more than 60 chapters on six continents.

“It’s like book club, but for podcasts,” Mizrachi explained. “So just in the same way that book club started as a way for people to discuss books that they were reading on their own, Podcast Brunch Club is a way for people to get together [to discuss podcasts]. I send out a monthly podcast playlist that is all on a theme. Each month it’s a different theme, and it’s curated by a different person in the global community.”

Mizrachi and host Ted Fox talked in depth about Podcast Brunch Club, including how to join, as well as her own podcast and trends in podcasting as a whole—all while out to brunch, of course.

You can visit provost.nd.edu/podcast to learn more about With a Side of Knowledge, which is available through iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher or by searching “With a Side of Knowledge” in your favorite podcast app.

You can also listen to the episode with Mizrachi using the player below.