Academic Community

Sightseeing is not an uncommon reason to visit Notre Dame.

From classic landmarks like the Golden Dome and the Hesburgh Library’s towering “Word of Life” mural—better known as Touchdown Jesus—to the 220,000 square feet of science and engineering research space in McCourtney Hall and other more recent additions, it is a campus full of favorite spots that are as distinct as they are impressive.

The same can be said of the people who work, study, and live here.

Together, Notre Dame faculty, students, and staff sustain an academic environment that promotes discovery in both the lab and the classroom, that celebrates a founding faith tradition while embracing those of each and every tradition and background. What they achieve as teachers and learners, as collaborators and colleagues, is nothing short of extraordinary.

It is the contributions of these many individuals that ensure this is a place that’s not just a place, but a community, too.

Through this section of the website, we invite you to learn more about the values and commitments that define Notre Dame as an institution of scholarship and learning.

Research, Graduate Studies, and Postdoctoral Training

Since its earliest days, the University has been guided by a bold vision for scholarship and discovery.

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Undergraduate Education

Dedication to the undergraduate student is and always will be at the core of Notre Dame’s academic mission.

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Catholic Character

Notre Dame's Catholic identity is one of its greatest assets, thanks in no small part to the dialogue it inspires.

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Inclusive Excellence

The University thrives as a scholarly community precisely because it embraces the individual perspectives of faculty and students.

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