Academic Council

The purpose of the Academic Council is described in Article V/Section 3/Subsection (a) of the Academic Articles as follows:

The principal functions of the Academic Council are to determine general academic policies and regulations of the University; to approve major changes in the requirements for admission to or graduation from the Colleges and Schools, and in the programs of study offered by Colleges, Schools, and Departments; to authorize the establishment, major modification, or discontinuance of any academic unit or degree program of the University; and to provide for review, amendment, and final interpretation of the academic articles, without prejudice to article VI. “Major changes in programs of study” involve the creation, modification, or dissolution of a degree program or the establishment of an academic program with University-level implications such as cross-college degrees, or any other academic program that has substantial curricular, financial, or organizational impact beyond the academic organization or unit making the proposal. The decisions of the Council are by majority vote and are subject to the approval of the President."

*To read Article V/Section 3/Subsection (a) in its entirety (or any other part of the Academic Articles), please consult the Faculty Handbook.

2023–2024 Meetings

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